The intent of this blog is to promote human equality, human progress, human peace and justice, and optimism. To accomplish this, to encourage the discussion of ideas after identifying and discovering problems, and then creating positive solutions for "we the people," in order to provide for the "general welfare" and "domestic tranquility" of America now and its "posterity" into the future. To encourage an emphasis on separation of religion and state for all, no matter if this is for those "of faith" in a Maker / Creator (Deists, God-loving people, Christians, various people of spirituality) and atheists or agnostics.

Posts tagged ‘Third Reich’

The Forgotten Judeo-Christian Alliances and the Rise of the Fourth Reich in America Today with Hawks Demonizing Good Jews and Christians

Jesus Christ, while living on earth, was a Jew.  Jesus Christ taught us about love.  Paul reiterated it.  Yet, what is the focus of Christians today?  Hateful remarks about important members of our diverse society.  People are swallowing this insanity.  Jews today use the ACLU to defend hate speech as “defended” by our U.S. Constitution.  I argue that hate and violence are NOT defendable, but are part of a larger strategy of implementing the Fourth Reich beyond just the German borders (opinion is mine, based on observations about fascist strategies which have increased in American politics lately; information about a 2013 film is available at  This is negative and should be challenged full force.

The First Reich:  The Holy Roman Empire.  The “remnants” of that Empire assisted the Third Reich – Hitler, right from the pope in Vatican City on down the chain.  Hawkish Jews who assist these Reichs are traitors to humanity.  Case in point.  The ACLU Jew who defended hatred of white racists.  Using logic, this man indirectly defended anti-Semitism – hatred of his own race.

Today’s Holy Roman Empire wishes to enshrine the Roman warriors – the hawkish brutality – which imposed totalitarianism upon Jerusalem and other areas of the world.  It finds allies worldwide, including the Chinese Communists.  Chinese Communists also impose totalitarianism upon it’s people.  It finds allies in the idea of a “manifest destiny” in the USA which destroyed good peaceful native cultures in this land.  It causes paranoia and fear through mind games of intimidation, while most Americans do not even realize this is happening.

If you stand opposed to this idea of totalitarianism and brutal militaristic practices, you are demonized and, as ruthless warrior, Allen West, says, you are a “communist.”  Yet a communist-controlled land creates the political buttons distributed by his political party at the Tampa convention.  If you are patriotic by stating, “we need to defend ourselves, not create more problems through offensive aggression,” we are also demonized for going against the grain of a totalitarian coup d’etat.

The Jewish heritage is about doing something for the overall good of people.  Where did Jesus learn this while on earth?  From Jewish teachers of his day (see Bütz, J. J. (2005). The brother of Jesus and the lost teachings of Christianity. Rochester, Vt: Inner Traditions). Silly me!  The answer is there!  Those guys in the 1st Century were all COMMUNISTS!  NOT!

The Fourth Reich consists of an alliance in the religious groups which are supposed to be respecting the separation of church and state which was established in the USA by Deists and Christians who actually understood the love of Christ, even if they were sometimes hypocritical in their approach.  At least they did not IMPOSE brutality, totalitarianism upon the Roman Catholics and a fledgling church (sect?) called the Mormons.  But these groups would turn on good people with judgments which reside only with God.  They would point false fingers at people like Patrick Murphy and Allan Grayson.  For Allan Grayson, a judgmental man like Ron Long would falsely accuse the man of being anti-Christian and anti-Bible.  Long and other fascists need to get their facts straight.  The same with Allen West.

Diana Butler Bass encourages Christians to seek solutions which might be based on traditions, if those traditions make sense.  To me, the traditionalist viewpoint that homosexuality was the main point of Sodom and Gomorrah negates the Third Reich’s value of totalitarian violent brutality and unnecessarily attacks a small group of people.  In fact, the traditionalists miss the point that violence was the main point of Sodom and Gomorrah.  But if violence were acknowledged, then how could the Third (and possible Fourth) Reich justify its existence and the imposition of conformity to a totalitarian regime?  Diana Butler Bass:  “Seek traditions [that make sense for all in our society], not traditionalism.”  (Bass, D. B. (2006). Christianity for the rest of us: How the neighborhood church is transforming the faith. San Francisco, CA: Harper).

Episcopal Bishop, John Shelby Spong, states it very nicely when discussing the love of Christ.  Others in the Anglican communion operate on fear and intimidation from hawks and Muslims, believing that “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few [homosexuals].”


Spong, J.S.  (2012, October 25).  Your are profoundly wrong!  A response to the Archbishop of Newark and other Catholic leaders.  A New Christianity for a New World (Newsletter).  Retrieved from

—–.  (2012, September 6).  Think differently – Accept uncertainty.  Part XVI:  The story of the Crucifixion, Part One.  A New Christianity for a New World (Newsletter).  Retrieved from“think-different”-–-“accept-uncertainty”/).

Many people ignore the clear guidance of Jesus Christ:  “Many will be on the road to hell while few will find the road to eternal life.”  The universe progresses, with the help of a loving Creator, to one of life, not violence and death.  Fear and intimidation force hawkish, brutal conformity on the many.  In this case, the needs of the many becomes evil.

Jesus said to those who deceived, “your father is Satan the devil.”   Romney, Ryan, Allen West and others deceive.

Heard on the street:  “I have my health insurance because my employer provides it, so why should I be concerned about others?”  Why were the Founding Fathers concerned about others, rather than merely for themselves, when they began a great document (the preamble to the USA Constitution) with the words, “We the people…”?  Could the Founding Fathers have put words like, “This Constitution is established only for a select group of people”?  Why not?  That is what Allen West believes.  That is what the Bush family believes.  That is what Mitt Romney believes.  That is what Paul Ryan believes.  That is what the pope believes.  That is what Bishop Duncan (Pittsburgh Diocese, Episcopal), Archbishop Akinola (Nigeria), and many Roman Catholic bishops (who falsely judge others before their hapless parishioners) believe.  And if we disagree, we are demonized and called, “communists.”

Why was a brutal man like Andrew Carnegie (a Presbyterian), despite his ideas about how to step on other people’s toes to become wealthy, concerned about the good of all society?  Because he was a communist?  The quality of his business was better than those of lazy American CEOs today who think ONLY about themselves and refuse to consider the good of society.  Silly me!  I guess I missed something about  Carnegie, did I not?  Clarification:  I don’t embrace EVERYTHING the man did, but recognize good and bad.

Why did Adam Smith (a Presbyterian) first express his ideas that capitalism would naturally control itself by “Christian” men and would not need regulation, but later changed his mind after observing a Scottish 18th-century banking crisis similar to the one inspired by George Bush in 2008 (due to lack of regulations and allowing the greedy ones to go amok)?  Silly me!  I guess Adam Smith was ALSO a communist, even if Karl Marx did not arrive on this earth for many years after Smith!  BTW.  Have belligerent bankers today learned one goddamn thing about what they did wrong in 2008 with derivatives?  NO!  These greedy pigs remain stubbornly ignorant about it all.

Mr. West and others:  you are wacko and sicko.  The words of the Republicans today support fascism and assist in the establishment of totalitarianism like a Fourth Reich in America today.  Violence begets violence.  It’s evil and it’s wrong.  It is anti-Christian.  Jesus Christ used violence AGAINST people like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan – greedy deceptive people in the temple.  Jesus was perfect, though.  He DID NOT speak out so vehemently, as some people claim, against sex.  He encouraged love.  One cannot love their fellow man and woman when deceiving them and acting like greedy pigs.